Monday, September 17, 2018

Shadow Redfield Interview August 2018

Radiating innocence and youth this next guest comes from the new age gamer era. Through games he has overcome obstacles that happens in everyday life and has made some new and incredible friends, these obstacles include people who likes to bully others to someone this gamer had once shared a screen with trying to take credit for work that wasn't theirs. After ridding the negative stuff that was perhaps impacting the channel this gamer decided to start over again by taking his first channel down and had reinvented himself through the channel he has now. Please give a warm welcome to Shadow Redfield, one of today's younger YouTube gamers.

Interview Begins

Question One: How did you choose your unique name, Shadow Redfield?

Answer: His unique and interesting name comes from a combination of two games actually, as you might have guessed. The first part goes back to the Sonic the Hedgehog game when we meet a character named Shadow who is still a beloved character for our gamer. The last part of his name comes from the popular franchise Resident Evil with the characters Chris and Claire Redfield who in his opinion are the best characters in the game.

Question Two: What style of gaming do you like most?

Answer: Going into a game blindly is what this gamer loves to do. Being able to figure out puzzles and solving the mystery of a game without help is much more exciting for Shadow Redfield then it is to get pointers. He finds it to be a rewarding experience when finishing the game on his own and enjoys not rushing the game as doing that takes the charm out of it.

Question Three: What style of gaming do you like least?

Answer: Speedruns are not Shadow Redfield's cup of tea. He admitted that he tried to speedrun the Resident Evil Remake but soon found himself doing what he likes to do best and that's take his time to enjoy it.

Question Four: When you played Resident Evil 2 for the first time, did you know that you wanted to be a part of the YouTube gaming community?

Answer: At that current time Youtube wasn't a thing for Shadow Redfield. He had enjoyed playing the game on the original Playstation. By 2013 he had realized that he wanted to share the love of games with others and enjoyed others watching his playthroughs so he made his first channel with that game being the star.

Question Five: What message do you have for young YouTube gamers?

Answer: "Don't focus on numbers or being the next big thing." Shadow Redfield advised, "YouTube should be about having fun, make the most of it!"

Question Six: What's your highest gaming accomplishment?

Answer: The Last of Us on Grounded mode is to date this gamers reigning glory. He found it to be difficult but he was very happy and excited once he had finished it.

Question Seven: Where do you see yourself in five years?

Answer: Being able to share videos and livestreaming for his audience if YouTube and Twitch is still the thing that is what he hopes to be doing. Shadow Redfield also hopes to be able to work in the gaming industry creating a game as well. "I hope I'm just happy." Shadow Redfield truthfully commented.

Question Eight: What kind of game would you create if money was no option?

Answer: Creating a game of survival horror that gives the player a unique experience is what Shadow Redfield would love to do. Not your ordinary pop in your face kinda jump scares either but more of a jump by a table's shadow for instance even if it had happened by accident while seating on edge at your chair, "This has happened to me before." Shadow commented. These are the kind of unique experiences that are way better than knowing by a loud sound or noise coming from some where on your screen that a pop out jump scare is about to happen.

Question Nine: Why do you play video games?

Answer: Being able to get out of the stressful personal life that Shadow Redfield has to deal with he likes to play games and escape reality even if it's for a few hours. While playing he feels the outside world melting away to a world of bliss especially a good RPG game. He is also very fond of experiencing something that isn't in the real world and seeing all the creative aspects of games.

Question Ten: Who is your biggest gaming inspiration and why?

Answer: With so many gamers today on YouTube Shadow Redfield has expressed that it was difficult for him to say who was his greatest inspiration for doing what he loves. After some thought though however Shadow had named the very much noteworthy girl gamer Suzy Lu as his greatest inspiration for YouTube gaming. "She inspires me to work hard and still have fun doing it." Shadow commented also going on to say that he started watching this fabulous gamer close to the end of 2014.

Question Eleven: Before playing a video game how do you feel?

Answer: Shadow Redfield finds it to be a very exciting experience before getting into the game. He enjoys being able to continue where he last left off or even starting a new game altogether.

Question Twelve: How do you feel during game play?

Answer: Being able to feel like he is a part of the game is what Shadow feels most. The scenery, characters, and so much more involved with the game he is playing is a big part of this as well that helps create that feeling of being sucked into the gaming atmosphere.

Question Thirteen: How do you feel after game play?

Answer: Having a good strategy for what's coming up next in a game is what Shadow enjoys trying to figure out after he is done for that session. He finds it quite refreshing to be able to turn off the console to rest for abit and think of how he is going to handle the next task coming up in the game he is playing. "It makes me feel happy." Shadow Redfield commented.

Question Fourteen: From the experience that you already got from the YouTube gaming community, how has it helped you grow to where you are now?

Answer: Gaining more confidence from the community has helped this gamer grow into the person he is right now. There has been some negativity that had impacted him in the past involving hate messages but Shadow decided to start looking at the positive things and it shows that it's working.

Interview Ends

Through plenty of hardships Shadow Redfield has certainly overcome the odds plenty of times however for this wonderful gamer the road will have other bumps that he will have to face, but this goes for all the gamers of today's YouTube community. I deeply enjoyed getting to know Shadow in a more in-depth way and I hope that you to my dear audience that you've enjoyed it as well. I see many more positive things happening for this new era gamer and wish him the best of luck growing his wonderful channel.

As a side note make sure to watch out for Shadow Redfield's live streams of games that he plays. They are very interesting to watch and well worth checking out. Below are links to his channel and to his Twitter page. Thanks for joining me on this incredible interview and I will see you all in the next post.

YouTube channel link:

Twitter page link:

Shadow Redfield

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