Monday, June 18, 2018

Jack Cane Interview June 2018

So a couple of nights ago I had a really nice interview with a gamer on YouTube. This gamer is an old meets new style of gamer which is such an awesome way of turning the industry of gaming in his favor. This style really works out for him. I am so pleased to introduce Mr. Jack Cane.

During my interview with Mr. Cane I had asked a series of questions, some easier than others to answer. With each question he gave an in-depth answer allowing us to get a better look at the gamer behind the screen. So without further delay please allow me to introduce the old meets new gamer, Mr. Jack Cane.

Interview Begins:

Question 1: What games are you playing?

Answer:  "Never pass up a game until you've tried it (even if the game is terrible)" is the philosophy of this gamer. He enjoys games from the good old PS1 and PS2 but openly admits that he is currently enjoying games from the 360.

Question 2: What's the best game of all time and why?

Answer: He really such a modest answer for this one. As a gamer he doesn't put games real high on a pedestal. Why you may ask? Well because he simply put that there are no right answer and no wrong answer to this question. He shows no favoritism to any game but is happy to try any one that falls into his lap weather it be good or bad.

Question 3: What is the worst game you've played?

Answer: No Sims for this gamer. Living a virtual life and having a virtual job or family isn't the star attraction here though this isn't the worst it could get. That blue hedgehog that we have all come to know and love takes the cake on this one for this gamer as he expressed that Sonic '06 just didn't work, "But almost everyone says that" Mr. Cane stated. A close runner up was a chalk line drawing and buildings appear kinda game, Metropolismania. Mr. Cane had expressed that, "He didn't know what but something was just wrong with it."

Question 4: Where do you want to be in five years?

Answer: At the moment he is taking a break from YouTube. He has expressed that YouTube gaming is a very demanding and stressful job. He hopes that both physically and mentally he will be in a better place. He is deciding if he should review games or continue playing them for our enjoyment.

Question 5: What game would you make if money weren't an option?

Answer: This gamer lives animation and games 2D style. He would use a platform that revolved around episodic style game play, but hold the interactive movie mode please. He favors gamenstyles based off of Klei Entertainment, just add more fluid like character movements, "I know what I like in that department." Mr. Cane stated.

Question 6: Why do you play video games?

Answer: "To keep the bit of happiness inside us alive for as long as possible." Mr. Cane said, "If not body played games or had any sort of fun in their lives, the whole world would be boring and drab and no one would think to innovate for any reason."

Question 7: What game started you in gaming and what game has you now?

Answer: That blue hedgehog comes back into play as Mr. Cane said it was either Sonic from the Sega Genesis or the yellow guy known as Pac-Man from PS1 in the game Pac-Man World had to be what got him started. He has find memories of playing Sonic as a kid at an aunt's house so he would have to say that blue hedgehog is the winner here.

Question 8: What's your highest gaming accomplishment?

Answer: As a kid he had never completed a game he was currently playing but I'm later years he remembers a single boss fight that had taken him around 40 minutes to beat. A personal favorite of mine, Resident Evil 2 the last boss fight. This guy can be a beast to manage with the right tools but Mr. Cane literally had to stab this guy until he was dead once all his little bit of ammo supply had ran out. Once the boss was down for the count out gamer here at once felt a wash of relief run over him. He also said that a close second would be the second encounter with Nelo Angelo from DMC1.

Question 9: What are your passions other than gaming?

Answer: Music, 2D animation, and metal work is what keeps this gamer occupied in his spare time when he isn't dabbling in games. His interest in metal work came from an old high school class that he took though he did jokingly admit that it wasn't very good metal work. As far as 2D animation goes he has a high passion for the artist Ralph Bakshi, "The dude just does whatever he wants." Cane stated.

Question 10: What's your advice for younger gamers?

Answer: "Don't take other people's opinions to heart." Is what Mr. Cane stated, "Play games that you love no matter if people may think it's dumb or childish, let those people handle their own business." He went on by saying that it takes raw brainpower to give constructive criticism and that in the long run this will benefit more in the long run.

Question 11-13: How do you feel before game play, during game play, and after game play?

Answer: Trailers for games speak loudly to this gamer. If the trailer looks interesting he stated that he might consider buying the game and trying it out. If he does invest his time in buying it he said depending on his mood he might see it through to the end. By the end of the game play it depends for him on how he feels. Some examples that Mr. Cane have were as follows, "Red Dead Redemption I loved all the way through. The funny part is I started out playing Undead Nightmare in the PS3 but later owned it on the 360." This game was a grand experience for him that he deeply enjoyed but didn't worship. On the other hand Mr. Cane had a particular game that by the ending had left him with unanswered questions and was a complete cliff-hanger so to speak, literally had him say, "...That was it?" And that game is called Baldi's Basics. He mentioned that not many people reached the end of this game including himself.

Interview Ends

This was an amazing interview with Jack Cane, one of the many YouTube gamers out there today. I wish Mr. Cane the best of luck with all his current and future projects and hope to follow up with him a few years from now just to see how much he has grown as a YouTube gamer. It was a pleasure getting to know a little bit more about the gamer behind the screen. Below I've added his YouTube page link so check him out and hit that subcribe button. Thanks so much for joining me on this adventure.

Jack Cane YouTube page:

Jack Cane YouTube Icon

Jack Cane 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Resident Evil 2 Remake Thoughts Part One

Welcome to Game Glam

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Amanda, I'm pleased to have you here with me. This opening post will have mainly what this blog is going to be about and what to watch out for. So without further wait away back and relax. Enjoy the post.

Game Glam is exactly what it sounds like. I will be bringing to you some of best games that we know of today. I will also like to bring to you all some of the very best gamers that are in YouTube today. During these posts I will bring even more awareness to these remarkable games and the young ladies and gentlemen that play them. Within the content I will get these individuals input along with their thoughts and feelings that they have felt before, during, and after game play. This will be an unforgettable experience for everyone; the people getting interviewed, you the audience, and myself.

I will also doing posts with my own thoughts and feelings towards games as well. There will also be from time to time my own videos I will bring to you from my own channel on YouTube. I will provide a link to that channel as well as to my Twitter page so you can follow me there as well.

So again I say welcome to Game Glam. Enjoy your time here and I look forward to seeing you again right here.

My YouTube Channel:

My Twitter Page: